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Worship and seeking God

On matters of worship: Be not distressed says the Lord, be not discouraged, for the Lord knows His Bride - the Lord is calling them to worship and prayer. Oh the Bride, the Lord is calling for His children to worship.

We need to know worship – it is the act of prostrating oneself in utter abandonment, humility, consecration and obedience unto the Lord.

It implies leaning towards the Lord, drawing closer to Him with all our strength and might.

We need to again fall prostrate before Him in our daily lives, submitting to Him, yielding, yielding, and yielding - we need to bow and we need to search for Him.

From true worship flows all - from worship flows the hunger for the Lord, from worship flows obedience, submission, love, compassion and a heart aching for the lost and dying. The saints are called to worship, worship and worship - fall before Him, seek him, call Him, for He draws near to those who draw near to Him. In worship the Lord speaks, in worship the Lord moves in our Spirit and in worship the Lord reveals Himself.

In worship we lean towards Him and we are taught His principles, His laws, His ordinances, His statuettes, His constitution and His precepts.

Worship has been distorted into a concept of noise, performance, showmanship and emotionalism. Big noise, big lights and big events catch not the attention of YHVH.

A still humble heart, captivated by the beauty of the Father, is what stirs the heart of the Master. A heart moved by the lost and the broken and the hurting stirs the Father's heart. A heart seeking for man to know the beauty of salvation and the delivering power of truth stirs the Father's heart.

Only when the children return to the Father will they be taught how to worship in Spirit and Truth. True worship takes place before the Mercy Seat in the Holy of Holies. For there, in that place of worship, the true bond of Father and son grows strong and spirits join and become complete.

True worship is the inward journey to where the Father dwells in our Spirit. True worship is when we abandon all, not only in the Holy of Holies, but also in life to worship Him. In that silence, one's spirit is embraced by His Spirit and quickened. Indeed, the flesh profits none.

Our spirit is moved then not by words or manifestation, but by His mere presence.

It is not moved by needs, wants or desires, but by simple adoration.

Let us draw closer and look upon His face.

On matters of intimacy: How many walk the Road to Emmaus yet never find the Lord? Reading Luke 24:13-32 it dawned on me that so many children walk the road of life, accompanied by the Lord Jesus, yet their eyes are blind to see Him and their hearts do not recognise our beloved Master.

Oh, how the Father cries that too many children walk with Him but do not know Him, walking to Emmaus, yet they fail to walk in gladness and joy for they have not allowed the presence of the Lord to captivate their soul.

But here is the glory. Only when we allow the Lord Jesus into our hearts, as these men on the road to Emmaus allowed Jesus into their homes, will our eyes truly open, will our spirit burn with His Spirit and will our ears hear His words. Only when we fellowship with Him do the mystery and truth of Salvation feed us like bread and water for the body.

It is only when we make room that we allow room for the Lord to teach us. His teaching opens our spiritual understanding and allows us to walk in spiritual reality.

It is only when we acknowledge His presence that we walk in the victory of the cross and the power of salvation. But, so many walk the road to Emmaus and never do break bread with the Lord or allow Him to enter.

The Lord cries, for so many do not see Him, do not know Him and do not hear His voice. For too many He is still absent and the victory of the cross is made dull.

On matters of serving Him: Praise the Lord! Praise the Lord! O, how the Father is calling back His children and how the Father wants His children to glorify Him!

In the Spirit I saw these words ablaze like fire engraved on a wall – Jesus is Lord.

And then I understood what the Lord was saying as the words JESUS IS LORD filled my spirit. Saints, we need to proclaim, proclaim and proclaim that God is the only true God and that Jesus is real and alive. We need to proclaim it in the valleys, shout it from the hills, in the cities, by the shore and everywhere! It must be a proclamation that burns like fire.

We need to say boldly and loud: God is Lord Yahweh and He reigns. He reigns, who can resist? Who is like Him! His will be done. For then I knew that the truth of the reality of Jesus and the absolute nature of God (He is I AM) should be engraved on our hearts and be engraved in our spirit.

The engraving of fire on the wall was the absolute indication that boldness needs to be awakened in us to proclaim whom God is. He is Lord and there is no other god that we shall serve. He is the same forever and He has not changed. He loves righteousness, justice and a pure and contrite heart.

Our whole lives should proclaim God is Lord of all! We are not ashamed. It should be like fire bursting from us. Oh, imagine if many walls would proclaim this message. We are called to proclaim, proclaim and proclaim. The world has lost touch with the true King. Make way then the path for Him and open the gates for His glory. Let us be far bolder and be like a trumpet announcing He is always Lord!

On matters of faith: Faith commands power; faith comes from the Word of God - those who fear the Lord live in the truth and power of the Word.

”You disregard and give up and ask to depart from the commandment of God and cling to the tradition of men, and He said to them, you have a fine way of rejecting (thus nullifying) the commandment of God in order to keep your tradition - thus you are nullifying and making void and of no effect (the authority) the Word of God through your tradition, which you in turn hang on” - Mark 7

”See to it that no one carries you as spoil or makes yourself captive by his so called philosophy ad intelligence and vain deceit, following human tradition (men's ideas of material; then that of the spiritual world) just crude notions following the rudimentary and elemental teachings of the universe and disregarding the teaching of Christ” - Col 2:8

On matters of the Kingdom: God seeks a kingdom that dwells in the hearts of His children, not a kingdom solely that dwells in walls built by man. God's kingdom is one of Spirit and Truth; built on the true riches of salvation, brought by the ransomed Blood of Jesus.

Oh let the walls of our differences and our ways come down! We say the world must see the church, yet we are the kingdom of heaven on earth. Oh how the world only sees a secularized, materialistic, prideful and tainted picture of heaven - where are the judges? Let the kings lay down their crowns.

God seeks humble, pure in spirit crusaders, called to free the lost from the clutches of darkness through the Blood of Jesus. He seeks crusaders walking in love, truth and honesty, seeking no glory but only His will. Let the crusaders not walk in hate, intolerance and anger.

Let the glory come down. His presence brings you to your knees. It strips away all vanity and pride. It crushes all worth and arrogance. Oh God, arise in our midst!

On matters of holiness: In the Holy of Holies there is perfect union with Father and child. Truth dwells in the Holy of Holies. As we are in union with the Lord, we are in union with the Word, who is Jesus, who is the Bread of Life (manna) and the Truth (Commandments) and who came to give us life through grace.

Union with the Lord leads to obedience and willingness unto His commandments and precepts. Such obedience comes not from duty or obligations, but because those who dwell in the Holy of Holies walk in the sweet surrendered union with the Father, His Spirit and Son.

In the Holy of Holies, our spirit calls unto deep and we flow in His Spirit.

Oh, why do we seek noise when the Holy of Holies is silent? Why do we need performance when the Lord seeks truth and honesty? The Lord is present in the silence. He is in the stillness of the spirit. He dwells in the realms where a contrite spirit stirs Him.

We behold Him as we draw towards Him in the Holy of Holies. There, in His loving embrace, He captivates our spirit as He dawns us closer to know truth in Spirit.

It is in the Holy of Holies where we taste that commanded moment of surrender and perfect union, producing a clarity that rises like the dawn and where revelation is birthed like creation.

If we live a life of true union with the Father, thus walking in the sweet ways of the Holy of Holies, then our strength will soar like an eagle and we will run and not grow faint and we wall walk and not grow weary.

Man's ambitions and ideals and self-love drive Him further away from true union. Indeed, the Lord dwells in the silence of surrender. He speaks in the silence. His power is in the silence. But not just any silence. It is the silence of the Holy of Holies where a man seeks His heart and is prepared to die in the self for His glory. Behold Him and seek Him - nothing else.

Let us leave the ways of the world and enter into His glorious presence where His latter rain sustains us. There, in the silence, we will know His voice and know what to say to this broken world: only in the silence of the Holy of Holies.

Come Spirit and revive and restore the true and undemanding relationship of the generation of Jacob unto the faithful, real, alive God!

Spirit, let us arise, soar and climb above judgment, perceptions, wrong ideas and deceitful misunderstandings of the relationship generating God!

Be alive unto God so that His mind, Will and Spirit reaches out to the lost - bringing light into darkness. God seeks the humble heart - the potential, the willingness, the essence and the hunger of those who walk in his righteousness. Let us then embrace our weaknesses and strengths. Let us be humble, poor, true and honest - we then allow God the complete possession of our being!

Arise, arise, arise oh power of the Lord! Shine, shine, shine oh glory of the Lord!

Rise, rise, rise oh love of the Lord!

Freedom in truth and grace to all saints!



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