The Dark Horses are ready to gallop – a prophetic word

It is been a while now since the Lord spoke about ‘watching out for dark horse’ and how we will begin to see the dark horse taking a more prominent role when it comes to serving the Kingdom. Yes, the dark horses are ready to gallop and swarm over the valleys and mountains. Hear the roar of the hooves, for it is the voice of God spurring them to break new ground, to uproot and to plant!
The dark horse has got nothing to do with the horse of the apocalypse. The dark horse is a well-known term often to be found in sport. It is seen for example as a little-known contender (such as a racehorse) that makes an unexpectedly good showing, or an entrant in a contest that is judged unlikely to succeed. Therefore, a dark horse is a previously less known person or thing that emerges to prominence in a situation that is judged not to succeed.
Consider such ‘dark horses’ in the Bible. Who would have thought that a murderer who hunted Christians would eventually write two-thirds of the Bible and become the forerunner to lead the Gentiles to the cross of salvation? Who would have thought that a murderer and then a shepherd for 40 years would be called by God to lead the Jewish people out of Egyptian bondage? Such are the stories of Paul and Moses.
Imagine someone took you to a pasture to show you a lad in his early teenage years tending to the sheep. There is nothing special about it according to one’s physical assessment. You hear he is the youngest of eight sons. Imagine your amazement when God tells you that this lad, minding his own business and ignored by the entire world and Israel, will become a famous king. And then God also says that out of this lad’s lineage will be born the Messiah! This is the story of David. Another dark horse.
Joseph was a dark horse. He was loved by his father and received a coloured cloak. But his jealous brothers were jealous of him and sold him into slavery. He was taken to Egypt and eventually became steward to Potiphar, one of the Pharaoh's officials. Potiphar's wife tried unsuccessfully to seduce him and after false accusations were levelled at Joseph he was imprisoned. Surely his life was over? When the king’s royal cupbearer and baker were imprisoned, Joseph successfully interpreted their dreams, correctly predicting that the cupbearer would be released and the baker, hanged. There was a stirring of hope in his life.
Two years later, King Pharaoh himself envisioned two dreams, which none of his advisors was able to explain. Joseph interpreted Pharaoh’s dreams. Impressed by Joseph’s wisdom, Pharaoh appointed him as his viceroy, second only to the king himself, and tasked him with readying the nation for the years of famine. This nobody all of a sudden became somebody! It was because of him that his brothers and father settled in Egypt and survived. The rest of Israel’s story is history. God set it all in motion because of a ‘dark horse’.
Believers, watch out for the dark horses says the Lord. We are going to be amazed at who is part of God's remnant in the end times. Those who will have an incredible influence on earth as God’s servants. The delivered drug addicts were pulled from the gutter. The liberated prostitutes who seek purity. The occultist who finds Jesus. The forgotten who cry for God's face. Jesus picked fishermen and a tax collector. Nothing will be different. God seeks purity and strength of faith, not the performers, the showstoppers or the clever or the boastful. People who love His truth and His Kingdom.
The Lord is rising up those who have a heart and a voice for the Kingdom. He is rising up an army that refuses to be silent, who will not flinch in times of trial or tribulation, will not shy away when faced with evil and who will not compromise His Truth. Such an army is right now being formed in the earth, the remnant that will arise out of the ruins of religiosity and carnality. They are like the 7000 faithful who God said to Elijah refused to bow the knee before Baal. Yes, the dark horses are dangerous for they are not unsettled by Baal, do not fear man, and they laugh along with God who loves at His enemies. They are dangerous for they love the truth, and they know the battle belongs to God.
For this will be a remnant of ‘dark horses’, those who have been deemed to be nobodies, who have been judged as we judge a book by the cover, those who have been ridiculed, mocked, dismissed, laughed at and who apparently will amount to nothing. Watch out for these ‘dark horses’. Those who shake the gates of hell are those who burn for God, who yearn for His Presence and who will not relent in serving God. They will be like the two witnesses of Revelation 11 for they have power to shut heaven, so that no rain falls in the days of their prophecy, and they have power over waters to turn them to blood, and to strike the earth with all plagues, as often as they desire.
They will be those without the fancy degrees, titles or even ‘impressive’ credentials. God is not interested in that, for He is interested in our hearts, our minds, our willingness to serve, to yield, submit, surrender and seek His beauty and glory of His splendour above all else. It is they who agree with Paul who wrote in “Galatians 1:11 But I make known to you, brethren, that the gospel which was preached by me is not according to man. 12 For I neither received it from man, nor was I taught it, but it came through the revelation of Jesus Christ.” Some will say as Paul did in 2 Corinthians 11 that “even though I am untrained in speech, yet I am not in knowledge” (verse six). They will speak as God leads, for their words are anointed just as when a lump of hot coal touched and purified the lips of Isaiah.
These are the young and the old, for what matters is the boldness and the faithfulness. Dark horses like a young Timothy. Paul spoke of being filled with joy because of Timothy’s genuine faith (verse 4, 5). He also encouraged Timothy to “13 Hold fast the pattern of sound words which you have heard from me, in faith and love which are in Christ Jesus,” and “1 Timothy 4:12 Let no one despise your youth, but be an example to the believers in word, in conduct, in love, in spirit, in faith, in purity.” God is calling for a remnant who hold onto the faith, who seek purity, and who shall not be moved by the opinions or the narratives of this world!
God reminds me of Romans 8 for this pertains to the ‘dark horses’: ”19 For the earnest expectation of the creation eagerly waits for the revealing of the sons of God. 20 For the creation was subjected to futility, not willingly, but because of Him who subjected it in hope; 21 because the creation itself also will be delivered from the bondage of corruption into the glorious liberty of the children of God.”
The remnant will rebuild the ruins of God’s watchtowers and the walls of his Kingdom as they declare liberty to the captive and freedom for the broken-hearted. They move in the power of the Spirit to declare the Gospel of the Kingdom! They are rising for the Lord calls them to become lions in the spirit to move in the power of God. For the power of God does not move because of man’s supposed intellect or wisdom or status or fortune. It moves where the disciples yield in submission to the divine touch of God, abiding in His holy presence to be a vessel for His glory.
Look at all the great revivals says God. Behind the scenes were the dark horses. There are many in ministry and in service that have not been noticed, or who have been judged or even condemned, but God knows, He sees and He alone empowers and equips as He did with Paul, Joseph, Moses and many others. God is looking for the brave, the courageous, the bold, and those who seek Him as the true and only king. Watch out for the dark horses says God, for they will be the greatest messengers and servants for God in these last and perilous days.
For the Spirit of the Lord is moving across the world, interrupting lives, uprooting, shaking, breathing life for the time of the great harvest is here and the great separation of the weed and the wheat. This is the time of the great outpouring, of the fire of revival but also the fire of judgement. For look, the Lord who holds the winnowing fork in His hands, He who baptises in fire stands by the door and He knocks! For the heavens declare His Glory, and He calls His sons and daughters to arise. For such a time is upon us now, for those who look at the cross and behold Him shall surely be washed by the Blood, sealed by the Spirit and redeemed!
For this army surely walks in the steps of the Shepherd – He who is the Lamb slain before the foundation of the world was laid. It is He who is the Lion of Judah that returns with the hose of heaven. He calls for the ‘dark horses’ to come forth, for they will shake even the foundations of the earth. God is calling forth the faithful remnant, liberating them from religious systems, programmes and agendas to be true worshippers in spirit and truth. For in the process of liberation – a release of bondages and yokes - they will again know who God is and serve with a pure heart.
Indeed, the Lord is calling for sons and daughters who seek no recognition, award, reward, praise or applause. For they are like John the Baptist, eager, hungry, willing and ready to serve. Dark horses who have a true heart of the Kingdom are and will cry repent, for indeed the coming of the Lord is upon us! For such sons and daughters of the Kingdom will prepare the way of the Lord. They shall make straight the paths of the Lord! They shall declare His holiness, His righteousness and they shall not shy away from the cross, mock the Blood for they are sold out, they are ready, they are willing and they have bent their knee to the true Lord and King. They shall remain standing in the storm, they shall remain standing when the mountains shake and they shall remain standing when the world flees to hide from the majesty of the Lord! For they who speak in His Voice know it is not about them, but about the Lord! It is not about their pleasure, gain, truth, plans, or dreams but it is about the plan, purpose and the truth of the everlasting Kingdom!
Understand says the Lord, there are many like John the Baptist who for a while and a season have been in the wilderness, crying out, struggling, suffering, sacrificing and hoping for a better day. But take hearts says the Lord, for these ‘dark horses' are untamed by religion or traditions. They are wild for God, and they are ready to gallop. For out of the wilderness they will come, no more hidden but revealed, but unveiled for as Lazarus came out of the tomb, so the Lord cries to His manifested sons and daughters to embrace the light of His Glory! Yes, they will run and not grow weary and that shall walk and not grow faint.
How they love the Lord, His Word and His Kingdom! Yes, they yearn for God day and night for they have been revived. The Lord says I will lead them as I led Israel by a pillar of fire and cloud. The Lord shall separate the light from the dark, and He will reveal the glory of His majesty and divinity. God will let their voices be heard! Yes, servants of God who are burning with the Spirit and who rejoice that the Word is like a fire in their bones. I will let their hearts burn for Me says the Lord! Watch out for the dark horses, for soon they gallop and run free to shine the light of the eternal hope of glory.