Ignoring the demonic at our peril

In the world of psychology, we have found all kinds of supposed answers to people’s afflictions, mental torment or mental angst. In such a world, the spiritual and all its influences are denied. But this should not come as a surprise, after all, even the church no longer believes in demons, hell, demonic oppression or possession! Granted, not all people who suffer from maladies such as fear, angst, or depression are under demonic attack. Of course, trauma plays a massive role in the state of our mind. After all, the soul is complex, and the mind is a powerful piece of machinery. Yet, we must be careful not to dismiss outright the world of the supernatural, that demons do exist and that the devil seeks to destroy us.
2 Timothy 1 says, “7 For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” Take, it speaks of a SPIRIT of fear. This is not a fear brought on by trauma for example, but the apostle Paul speaks of a living entity – yes, a spirit! As children of God, we have been called to walk in the Holy Spirt (and the Spirit of God is not some sort of power but is a real and true person of the Trinity). Those who yield and submit themselves to the Holy Spirit guard themselves against dark and sinister spiritual influences designed to bring us into a state of an unsound mind.
Oh yes, demons are real. They do oppress. They do possess. Despite questionable beliefs and practices, at least the famous couple Ed and Lorraine Warren tried their best to make people believe in demonic oppression and possession. Their work has been immortalised in the Conjuring movie franchise, including the famous Annabelle case. The mind is indeed very complex, but we dismiss the supernatural at our peril, and even worse, we play with fire when we think the devil does not exist.
Controversies indeed abound regarding demonic possession and oppression, especially in the western world; some hold that demons do not possess human beings but oppress them. Others maintain that though demons can possess people, a true believer cannot be possessed. Furthermore, some have suggested the word “demon” does not refer to evil spirit beings but to the people possessed by them. Ignorance in such times is not bliss. We need to know the enemy, and that anyone, including believers, is in danger. Oh yes, especially the true believer shall face great demonic onslaughts (designed to weaken the faith) for such people hold great danger to the kingdom of darkness!
In psychology, dissociative trance and possession disorder is at times diagnosed among those who show signs of demonic possession. A dissociative disorder according to psychology is characterised by involuntary alterations in consciousness, identity, awareness or memory, and motor functioning that result in significant distress or impairment. Dissociation maps into different manifestations: amnesia, trance, and multiple personality disorder. So it is said that for those with possession and trance their behaviour is often understood as akin to the replacement of that person's identity with another one. This then manifests in affected individuals speaking with different dialects, and vocal tones, behaving as if they were another personality, or referring to false autobiographical details.
The two subtypes of the disorder are distinguished by the individual’s identity state. In possession trance, the individual’s usual identity is replaced by a new identity perceived to be an external force, such as a ghost, another person, or a divine being, and there is a loss of memory for the episode of trance. In trance disorder, individuals retain their usual identity but have an altered perception of their milieu. Dissociative means being disconnected or separated. Therefore, psychology deems someone who is ‘possessed’ as simply being disconnected from his real personality, which could be caused by several factors, including trauma.
Quite often when someone speaks of being ‘possessed’, another diagnosis is Schizophrenia. Yes, this is a serious mental disorder in which people interpret reality abnormally and may result in some combination of hallucinations, delusions, and extremely disordered thinking and behaviour that impairs daily functioning, and can be disabling. Trauma is often at the root of such a disorder. But again, we dismiss the supernatural at our peril if we cannot properly discern. So many people have suffered terribly because their dissociative or disabling state has been diagnosed as being merely psychological, yet they are under a very real demonic attack!
This also counts for those who have been diagnosed, for example, with multiple personality disorder which is characterised by "switching" to alternate identities. Some may feel the presence of two or more people talking or living inside their heads. Again, trauma is most likely the root of such a disorder if this is the case, but alternatively, it can be demonic oppression or possession. The reality is that such oppression or possession is being too easily ignored these days, even mocked and laughed at. Yet it is no game for the devil doesn’t play for fun, he plays to kill and to destroy. Far too many people remain victims of demonic onslaughts because of growing ignorance in the church and the world regarding the supernatural. Ignorance is not bliss, for lives are being destroyed!
And so sadly spiritual afflictions are merely reduced to mental disability or a lack of mental health. Yet medicine will not always help! It is convenient to dismiss the supernatural and the possibility of demonic oppression or even possession. But we do so at our peril. Therapy is not always the answer, especially when the spiritual and the supernatural are present, but Jesus remains the answer for everything, all the time!
Yes, the devil is not to be blamed for everything. We are after all many times our own worst enemy. We do live in a world of great trauma, fear, and uncertainties, but the spiritual realm is ever more real than the natural. Demons are very active, and they seek to devour. 1 Peter 5:8 says, “Be alert and of sober mind. Your enemy the devil prowls around like a roaring lion looking for someone to devour.” Take note, we are called to be SOBER mind, for the enemy does attack our mind (causing fear, depression, uncertainty) and he is looking for ways to devour us through oppression and possession. In Christ alone is our refuge, hope and deliverance, and in nothing else. For the Blood stills saves, redeems and sets free!