Be relentless - a word from the Lord

The Lord is again speaking about intensity, this time how the disciples of God must remain relentless. To be relentless speaks of not decreasing in intensity. It is to maintain a vigorous course of determined action. As disciples of God, we must remain relentless when it comes to pursuing God’s will, truth, ways and His presence. We must persevere, remain dedicated to the cause, be steadfast in our mandate and not slack in seeking what is right in a world where so much is wrong.
Years ago the Lord spoke about a very intense season ahead for all disciples of the Lord. Regarding the season of intensity, the Lord emphasised “for the disciples”, for the disciple walks in God’s truth and kingdom. The Lord spoke about how we are heading into a season of intense battles for all disciples, a season of intense struggles, intense conflicts, and intense warfare. This word was spoken at least five years ago, and we are still in the middle of this season and we may not come out of it until the return of the Lord. It calls for incredible boldness, it calls for facing multiple storms, and for most of the time, walking by faith when nothing makes sense.
I was made to understand this will be a season of intense spiritual encounters with God, but also intense encounters in conflict with the demonic. It will be the intensity of Elijah when he encountered the false prophets of Baal on Mount Carmel and his struggles with Ahab and Jezebel. It will be a season of intense demonic manifestations, and intense inner struggles for the disciples. Faith will be tested, yet we are called to hold onto our resolve, not to relent, and not to recant when it comes to God’s truth. God said at the time that for those who persevere, and for those who seek the Lord, this will be a season of intense encounters with God as Moses had at the burning bush. It will also be a season of intense prophetic revelations regarding God’s move in the Kingdom, declarations and prophetic utterances and manifestations.
It will also be a season of intense rebellion against God, and iniquity, apostasy and the deception on earth will intensify. For the darkness is intensifying, yet God calls for His children to walk in the intensity of His Glory. Yes, an intensity of His Glory! This intense season is a work of the Lord of purging, purifying, refining and cleansing. Without a doubt, if we look at what has happened in the last couple of years with the pandemic and the upheavals in the world, we have witnessed intense times. We have seen how many believers have folded under fear. Still, we hear of believers even giving up their faith! The battle is not over. Far from it. The Goliaths still wait, the demonic storms still blow and the apostasy rages.
It calls for intensity of praise and trust, even when it seems the enemy has the upper hand and the world is enjoying its moment of victory. In the middle of 2022, God again emphasises the season of intensity, and He speaks of being relentless. This is a call to action, and a call to fan the flame for the fir of the Church is burning low in the wake of so much fear, confusion, despair and anguish sowed within the earth. While the world burns and the apostasy within the church intensifies, the true believers, therefore the remnant, must now more than ever be relentless in seeking God, and they must remain relentless when it comes to standing for the truth, for God’s ways and will. This is not the time to be lukewarm, or for one will be overwhelmed by the demonic intensity of the times. The intense encounters and battles and inner struggles are designed to shake, sift and it will display and expose the chasm between the false and the real, the godly and ungodly, the holy and the unholy, the truth and the lies, the Kingdom and the counterfeit movement, the true prophetic and the occult, the supernatural and mysticism.
Such a season has been upon us for a while and it will remain very intense. It will not be easy for many will fall and many ministries will be shaken, yet great will be the power of the Lord for now is the time to abandon all for the intense walk with God. This calls for making hard choices and deciding whom one will truly serve. This is not the time for passivity, spiritual apathy, or compromises. This calls for warriors to rise from the ashes, shake off the dust, polish the armour and go to war! This is a time for relentless submission, a call to the watchtower and walking in God’s Presence like never before. Relentless faithfulness to God’s written and spoken Word, and yes, a relentless obedience to obey as the Spirit of God leads. There is no room to compromise, or to give the devil a foothold, for we shall be swallowed whole by the devourer. As we relentlessly pursue God, then God shall devour the devourer as the rod of Moses devoured the rods of the Pharaoh’s magicians.
The enemy has managed to distract believers to remain relentless in their noble quest of fighting the war. The watchmen have abandoned their posts. Shepherd has sold out. We see desolation in the streets and in the churches. Where is the remnant in this hour to stand in the gap for the lost, the weak, and the broken? We must not allow the glitter and the false gold of the world to blind us, for God says the golden calf will not lead us home. Only the gold of God’s godliness and the gold of His anointing will keep us standing in some troubled times. For has Jesus not said not be troubled for He has overcome the world? So take heart, He is still God – mighty and faithful.
Hundreds of years ago, Martin Luther and so many other Reformers bravely challenged a system that had defined the beliefs of people for more than 1000 years. How we need brave warriors of the Word again that will again defy our times of apostasy, spiritual lawlessness, corruption and deception. Relentless disciples in the pursuit of what is right, good and holy! Disciples as we saw in the days of the Apostle Paul. For while this world weeps in agony and brokenness, the church sleeps in comfort and spiritual passivity. How we need again fierce and passionate disciples who will yield to no other king except Jesus, who will bow to no other truth than the Bible and who will not love their lives unto death for the glory of God. How we need servants of compassion, love, of hope and kindness to wrest the tides of darkness so that the world may again see the light of Christ!
Paul was indeed relentless for God, not allowing any person or circumstance to derail him from fulfilling his mandate. In Acts 19:8 it says, “Paul entered the synagogue and spoke boldly there for three months, arguing persuasively about the kingdom of God.” That is intense and relentless! Paul didn’t flinch in the wake of danger, calamity, opposition, threats or strife! He pursued God relentlessly! Jan Hus, the great Reformer, was intense for God and so he wrote: “Seek the truth, hear the truth, learn the truth, love the truth, speak the truth, hold the truth and defend the truth until death”. Yes, the truth of God shall prevail and not the truth of this world.
This world wants us to lose our fire and intensity for God. Jeremiah and Elijah were also overwhelmed, and at times that intense fire within them burned low. This world is tough. Life has never been easy, yet amid the storms, struggles, hardship and even persecutions, we must remain relentless in fulfilling the Great Commission. We cannot back down, we cannot keep silent or wallow in self-pity. There is no time. Yes, time is running out, and faster than we think. We must remain relentless says the Lord. We must never back down, never surrender. Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego remained relentless in their faithfulness to God when facing death in the furnace. Daniel remained relentless in his fellowship with God when faced with the lion’s pit.
Yes, we must remain relentless in the pursuit of God’s presence, even when the entire world rebels and seeks the path of the devil and spiritual darkness. We must remain faithful and truthful when we only hear lies, and when deception enfolds the world in an icy grip. We must remain bold, courageous and full of zeal for God even when the ‘Ahabs’ and ‘Jezebels’ of this truth try to destroy us like they wanted to murder Elijah.
God never relented when it came to judgment on Israel for her sins and iniquity. Yet God is also just. Just so, we must not relent. What is right must be upheld. What is wrong must be exposed. Idolatry should have no place in our lives or homes. We must not flinch in the face of danger, even though around every corner we may face monstrous darkness, lurking predators and wolves in sheep's clothing. Be relentless says God! Keep the faith, stay on the path, walk by faith and burn in His holy fire. How we need to yield and submit to God! How we need to surrender more than ever to the Spirit of God so that we are overwhelmed by His holy presence. For then we shall remain standing, strong in His might, and strong in His glory. The hymn, Sent the Fire by William Booth, is my prayer in such a time where God is calling for His sons and daughters to arise for truth, to stand up for the liberty of Christ and to again share the whole counsel of God as intended and taught by Jesus our Lord and only true Saviour of a world hell bent of destruction. We must seek the fire so that we may burn for Him and so that we may truly become relentless to His Glory!
Thou Christ of burning, cleansing flame,
Send the fire, send the fire, send the fire!
Thy blood-bought gift today we claim,
Send the fire, send the fire, send the fire!
Look down and see this waiting host,
Give us the promised Holy Ghost;
We want another Pentecost,
Send the fire, send the fire, send the fire!
God of Elijah, hear our cry:
Send the fire, send the fire, send the fire!
To make us fit to live or die,
Send the fire, send the fire, send the fire!
To burn up every trace of sin,
To bring the light and glory in,
The revolution now begin,
Send the fire, send the fire, send the fire!
’Tis fire we want, for fire we plead,
Send the fire, send the fire, send the fire!
The fire will meet our every need,
Send the fire, send the fire, send the fire!
For strength to ever do the right,
For grace to conquer in the fight,
For pow’r to walk the world in white,
Send the fire, send the fire, send the fire!
To make our weak hearts strong and brave,
Send the fire, send the fire, send the fire!
To live a dying world to save,
Send the fire, send the fire, send the fire!
Oh, see us on Thy altar lay
Our lives, our all, this very day;
To crown the off’ring now we pray,
Send the fire, send the fire, send the fire!