The Light always shines in the storm

This image reminds me how the world we know is being shaken by massive ‘storms’ of every nature and kind, with the most destructive being the demonic onslaughts. We live in perilous times. These are dark times. These are times of great depravity, carnality, decadence, perversion, deception, and outright rebellion against God and His Kingdom.
Yet, despite such turbulent times of storms, danger, threats and calamity, the light always shines. John 8:12 says, “Then Jesus spoke to them again, saying, “I am the light of the world. He who follows Me shall not walk in darkness, but have the light of life.” John 1:5 says, “And the light shines in the darkness, and the darkness did not comprehend it.” Yes, there is always a light that shines to bring us home – a light in the darkness for the lost, the forsaken, the broken, and even the vilest and wicked. For Jesus is the eternal light, and those who believe and follow Him shall be saved and delivered!
I am reminded of “Habakkuk 2: 14 For the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the Lord, as the waters cover the sea.” For now, the world is covered in darkness. Times are rough, and spiritual darkness enfolds so many hearts and minds. Yet, a time will come when the darkness will recede and the eternal light will break forth and shine forevermore! Glory to God, there is always a light shining in the darkness, just like a lighthouse, for Jesus is our Rock, and the Rock and the Good Shepherd for the prodigals and the wandering souls. Glory to God, great are the waves, and great is the fear in the earth, but there is still a Name in the earth that saves and delivers and such a name is Jesus! For Jesus calms the storms, and in Him we find our peace, hope, strength, joy, and eternal love. So let the darkness and the storms rage, for God remains in control and soon the light will pierce the velvet blackness to reveal the glory, splendour and majesty of a loving and faithful God!