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What ever happened to accountability and testing of 'word' in the Body of Christ?

There is a Scripture in 1 Corinthians 14:29 which reads as follows: “Let two or three prophets speak, and let the others judge.” The word “judge” in Greek is Diakrino, which means to separate, make a distinction or discriminate. To discriminate means to recognize a distinction. Thus, we are called to judge between what is right and wrong, what is false and real, and we should be able to recognise such a difference. Or how about testing all things (1 Thessalonians 5:21)

So what has happened in the Body of Christ in regard to this Scripture? It is very clear and very obvious the Church has been hit for a long time with a devastating counterfeit prophet movement, which is a contradiction in terms since it is nothing more than divination at work. Thus a work of lying, and yes, we take into consideration that some is intentional but some are also unintentional. After all, even those who speak deception are often deceived. These days, wherever you turn, people have some incredible word, some deep prophetic insight, or vision, and it is being announced, pronounced and declared far and wide. Yet, has it ever been judged? Has it ever borne the brunt of scrutiny? Granted, some words are being judged, weighed and considered, but these days it is like we have been hit with a wave upon wave of word about what God is doing.

It says in “1 John 4: 1 Beloved, do not believe every spirit, but test the spirits, whether they are of God; because many false prophets have gone out into the world.” Are we then testing? Are we weighing every word and the spirit behind it? Is it the Holy Spirit, and if not, it is then either the Self (flesh) speaking or demon (the same deceiving spirits who incite doctrines of demons - 1 Timothy 4:1)

Any word which is not from God is dangerous. It is not just dangerous, it is devilish and diabolical. For the devil is the father of lies. God does not lie, and such devious work mocks God, even if it is unintentional because it needs to be weighed. We are reminded of Ezekiel 13 (one of countless Scriptural examples of God rejecting false word): “3 Thus says the Lord God: “Woe to the foolish prophets, who follow their own spirit and have seen nothing! 4 O Israel, your prophets are like foxes in the deserts. 5 You have not gone up into the gaps to build a wall for the house of Israel to stand in battle on the day of the Lord. 6 They have envisioned futility and false divination, saying, ‘Thus says the Lord!’ But the Lord has not sent them; yet they hope that the word may be confirmed. 7 Have you not seen a futile vision, and have you not spoken false divination? You say, ‘The Lord says,’ but I have not spoken.”

The church is sailing in dangerous waters of apostasy because too many foolish prophets have been allowed to operate without being properly judged. Indeed these are perilous times. Thus, dangerous times for the Church because of so much false word that is destroying its credibility, causing strife, confusion and leading people away from the Truth of God. Any other word which comes not from God will only mislead, lead astray, enslave or cause greater confusion and harm. Yet it seems these days there is little thought to judging, because prophetic words have been allowed to be announced far and wide as if God has spoken. And so we sit in churches where these foolish prophets “have not gone up into the gaps to build a wall for the house of Israel to stand in battle on the day of the Lord” and too many hoping that the word that has spoken may be confirmed. Is it then any wonder why the church is struggling to keep her head above water in the wake of the spiritual battle? These are perilous times, and we need to take guard against such times of deception.

This is the sad and shocking state of affairs in the church. So many right now in this world have “envisioned futility and false divination”, and people grab onto this word without a second thought. So many are HOPING that what they have said will come to pass. Never before have I seen so much prophetic word being declared, yet for anyone who abides in God a lot of words these days immediately raises a red flag. All of these ‘prophets’ have been allowed to operate, and to become influential and to sway the hearts and minds of the Church simply because in the Church there is a lack of spiritual discernment and not enough real and true knowledge of Scriptures. And so, the church perishes because of lack of knowledge, for God’s knowledge and truth and will is being distorted, butchered and twisted for own gain, all for the purpose of self-enlightenment, self-glorification and to sooth the itching ears. We live in a time where God is not feared, but the drive to please and appease man has taken the centre stage.

It is of course not by accident that most cults and even sects are led by prophets. Men and women who have certain knowledge of God, and they draw a crowd of followers because they speak what people want to hear, and they promise some kind of divine breakthrough and fulfilment. There is a certain attraction to the prophetic, for it seems the prophet has this amazing ability to bring forth incredible wonders, miracles and hope. The prophet apparently holds all the answers, and the prophet unlocks your destiny to a brighter day of great wealth and joy. Like so many cults, the Church has also fallen sway under the allure and seductions of such prophets, and their actions, their doctrine, and their prophetic words or utterances are not being judged. They wield frightening power over their congregations, just like cult leaders, and their followers, like the followers in a cult, will defend them to the death because of ignorance, because of deception and the web weaved of delusion.

So let us address the elephant in the room – the American elections. Yes, many but many have prophesised and declared Trump will still win, even though at this stage there remains almost no CONCRETE evidence of corruption (yes I know, the antichrist media is apparently to be blamed even though people would rather believe social media as a source of real news). Before the elections, many said Trump will win by a landslide. It never happened, because the word was not judged. Indeed, if Trump does win, it will certainly restore credibility to the Church and the prophetic, because we desperately need some credibility. At the moment the prophetic has become a circus of noise and a source of great confusion. But here is the question: what if he does not win? By experience, many will come up with all kinds of excuses and justifications, citing errors in interpretations, but the reality is that we are facing a bloodbath of false word. And if this is the case, how can we turn a blind eye? I remember there was a word that went out that on November 11 God was going to do something in regard to this election that will absolutely astound the word. I am still waiting.

Question is, of all the word that has filtered through regarding the elections, how much of it has been properly judged and weighed? Personally, I have had no word on this election. And why should I? Why is it that every so-called prophetic voice is now speaking of the elections, even though it is clear God deals only with some prophets to address issues regarding nations, or global affairs? But across the world people who have nothing to do with America now have a word for them, yet they do not even have a word for their own country or its political affairs.

The election has again proven the existing dangers of propaganda. Remember, this is communication that is used primarily to influence an audience and further an agenda. It is devious in nature. It was satanic in nature for it sparked Germany to launch WWII. A lot of people have jumped on the rigged election bandwagon. But what is the source of it all? It was never the media. Again, where is the discernment in the Body of Christ? Where is the accountability?

Granted, Trump may win. And we are praying for such a glorious day, but then again, this will only happen if God has really spoken it. And this stage the jury is still out. But again, what happens if he doesn’t? In South Africa, we have encountered so many false words and visions and prophecies since 1994. Yet it seems no one who declared so falsely has been held accountable. And this is of great concern. There has been word of wars, of tsunamis and who knows what else, yet nothing has come to pass.

A while ago I wrote about how the Church has lost its credibility. It is because the Church doesn’t even know what is right or wrong, or what is false or real anymore. The church has become a social club, a platform for entertainment and a pedestal to reach heights of fame and fortune. The Church is besieged with so many false and foolish operators of the Word. Sound doctrine has been tramped, upon. Recently, another celebrity pastor has been fired for having an apparent affair. And there is the problem isn’t it? Pastors want to be celebrities. So-called prophets want to be seen and heard. Too many people in the Body of Christ seek attention as they build their kingdoms of sand. But what about God’s Kingdom (read Haggai chapter 1).

I truly believe we are in the midst of s systemic shift in the Body of Christ, as well as the prophetic. God is shifting and sifting. A separation of the true and the mockery. The longer the counterfeit prophetic is allowed to operate, the greater the harm, the greater the spiritual damage and the greater the casualties. We saw such a shift in 1 Kings 18 on Mount Carmel when Elijah exposed the 400 plus false prophets who served Baal. We saw such a shift in 1 Kings 22 when Micaiah was the only prophet who spoke correctly while 400 other prophets gave a lying word to the king. We are in such a time of Matthew 24 that we must be careful that no man deceives us.

These are perilous times. May we pray for greater discernment, and that God’s will, and not ours, will truly be done one earth as it is in Heaven. For too much word is based on own will, and it flows from the imagination and the flesh. May God help us, because we serve a God who shall not be mocked, or have we learned nothing from Israel’s history?



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