Teachable and Reachable

Of late, the Lord said as His children we must remain teachable and reachable.
Firstly, we must remain reachable in the sense that we are in a position to be reached by God. This may sound strange, but so many times the arrogance, the pride and the ego of even the believer can lead us to become ‘deaf’ and ‘bind’ to God’s will, plan, truth and purposes. When God speaks, we must listen. We must be open to His guidance, and we must be like Samuel who says “your servant is listening”. So this calls for great humility, the ability to be a true living sacrifice and to choose above all that God’s will trumps our will. We MUST always be willing to listen, to correct our path, to learn and to seek the perfect will of God.
Secondly, we must remain reachable so that others may reach us so that we can share the Gospel, train, equip and disciple. Jesus sat with the sinners, not because He advocated sin, but because He was being reachable so that the sinners may be reached and saved with the Gospel of the Kingdom of Heaven. Jesus was being reachable when He went to the tombs and was met by the demon-possessed man. Jonah didn’t want to go to Nineveh, and so refused to be reachable. His pride and misplaced perspectives landed him in the stomach of a whale. May we remain constantly available and accessible, and also usable, pliable and flexible in the hands of the Lord. Being reachable also implies being available to be of service to the Kingdom of God. We are called to be servants, thus disciples, no matter our calling, mandate or education. We are all called to humble followers of the Lord, fulfilling the Great Commission in love, by His grace and strength.
Thirdly, we must remain reachable in such humility so that others may REACH us when we need correction, or reproof, or encouragement, or a word from the Lord. This calls for transparency and the ability to be reached, thus promoting accountability and the common strength of the Body of Christ that functions as a family of believers. We are not called to be a spiritual island or a recluse, or believers who are blinded by illusions of grandeur. We need each other in the Body of Christ, and thus we must be willing to listen, to be helped, to be supported and to be guided, mentored, or even equipped as God leads. Thus, we are called to be available, accessible, transparent, accountable, and reachable and always will to serve the Kingdom of God as God dictates, ordains and purposes.
Regarding being teachable, this applies in the same context as being reachable. We must remain teachable in the sense that we are in a position to be taught by God. 2 Timothy 2:15 says, “Be diligent to present yourself approved to God, a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth.” We can only walk in sound and true doctrine, thus the Gospel of the Kingdom, when we are taught directly by God. Our ears must always be turned to God, and we must always be willing to listen, to submit, to learn and be willing to give up what is erroneous and false. Our senses mustn’t merely bend to the whim of this world, but we must speak as God leads, listen when He speaks, see what we need to behold, to taste His goodness and even smell the sweet aroma of His presence. Again, this calls for great humility and a contrite heart. It calls for a bended knee and for true worship where we yield and submit to God’s wisdom and counsel.
Secondly, we must always be ready to teach others in all truth of the Gospel of the Kingdom as we are taught by the Holy Spirit in all truth (John 16). Matthew 4:23 says, “And Jesus went about all Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, preaching the gospel of the kingdom, and healing all kinds of sickness and all kinds of disease among the people.” We must always be ready, prepared and pliable in the hands of God to equip, to teach, to help others and to share the Gospel. The story of how Philip helped the Ethiopian to understand the Gospel in Luke 8 is a perfect example of being reachable and teachable. Study it, for it speaks volumes of how we must be led by the Holy Spirit in all spiritual manner, in our ways, action, deed, conduct and speech.
Lastly, we must remain teachable, thus open to being taught by others while testing everything against the Word and before God. We must never come to the point where we refuse to admit errors, or mistakes or refuse to ever be corrected. We are never the finished product. We continually learn, which requires constant teaching and training. 1 Corinthians 8:2 says, “And if anyone thinks that he knows anything, he knows nothing yet as he ought to know.” The truth is that growth is only possible when we are willing to adopt a teachable spirit. That means having a passion to learn, possessing an intention to learn daily, and reflecting on what we’re learning to know how to apply it.
When we’re willing to seek out and learn lessons directly and primarily from God, and then secondary from others, from experience, and reflection, then we’re able to increase our capacity for growth. And so it says in “2 Timothy 3: 14 But you must continue in the things which you have learned and been assured of, knowing from whom you have learned them, 15 and that from childhood you have known the Holy Scriptures, which are able to make you wise for salvation through faith which is in Christ Jesus.”
Yes Lord, help us to be reachable and teachable. Help us to grow in Your love, holiness, purity, truth, grace and compassion. May we yield to Your wisdom, bow to Your majesty and may Your Word always be found as sweet nectar on our lips.
2 Peter 3:18: but grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. To Him be the glory both now and forever. Amen.