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Postman Lucifer comes knocking with a hellish package

There is a song by Don Francisco, The Package, that goes as follows:

I was wakened in the morning' by a knockin' on the door

So I got up and went to see what all the knockin' was for

There stood the Devil with a box addressed to me

He said "Boy, I've got something here I think you oughta see

I said, I know that I don't want it if it's anything from you

'Cause I hate everything you say and don't like anything you do …

The song deals with how the devil is trying to sell a package of misery, poverty and sickness unto the one who opens the door. The devil even said it comes from God, which is of course a lie! You guessed it. I want to talk about packages. No, we are not referring to courier companies! You see, the devil keeps turning up at our door and he keeps on trying to sell us a package of misery and destruction. And so the Scripture comes to mind that we must give the devil no foothold! Yes he comes – knock, knock, knock – with a package in his hand and still says to us that he thinks he has got something we need to see.

For each and every person the package is different. To the former drug addict the devil comes huffing and puffing, joint in hand, for the former alcoholic he comes with the bottle and for some he comes to tempt the eyes and the flesh with the lust of the world. The devil is not stupid – yes defeated on the cross – but not stupid. He loves his Postman suit and he loves delivering those filthy packages of heartache.

To Jesus in the wilderness he presented different packages of wealth, power and personal glory. And so he continues to tempt us to take the package and partake in the contents. This is the way that the devil operates. This is the way of the postman of hell.

The packages the devil brings many times contain contents that we have seen before, yet the exterior and the wrapping of the package may differ. There is after all nothing new under the sun and the devil has tried every trick in the book to deceive and to lead us astray. So what he will do is to present the same trick, the same lie and the same deception yet with a different wrapping. He is after all the father of lies and deception. He takes the wrapping paper of the previous years and wraps up that package, adding a few extra bells and whistles to attract us. After all, this sly old devil that appears to be a lion but is a mere jackal will always wrap up sin to appear attractive and appetising. After all, people sin because sin is so pleasurable!

Take for example the world of drugs. Since the drug explosion in the 1960s, time after time a “new” drug floods the streets of our world, but in essence it is never really ‘new’ but only a ‘old’ drug that has been slightly altered, tweaked, enhanced or modified. In other words, drugs are constantly repackaged to tempt us to try it. Drugs remain drugs. If it be heroine, Coke, crack, Cat, Mandrax, dagga or whatever the contents, it is the same old same old, yet the wrapping of the package differs. What is inside? Yes, you guess it – death and destruction!

And so the devil keeps on offering different packages unto the world, each one promises a new sensation, a new experience, a new feeling of euphoria, yet the essence of the package remains the same – misery. The devil is the ultimate salesman. He can sell anything to anyone through trickery, lies and manipulation. As he did with Jesus, he still promises the best ride of your life, the best moment, the best feeling, the greatest and the most wonderful sense explosion. For centuries upon centuries he has come with his little packages, like Santa(n) Claus on Christmas, deceiving, lying and cheating and tempting people to accept his packages.

He comes knocking at your door, with a wry grin and a twinkle in the eye, offering a package that glitters, sparkles and promises great entertainment. Beware, beware … it is the proverbial Pandora Box. Do not receive. Do not sign for it. Do not open! This postman is a wolf in a sheep’s clothing. Indeed, the wrapping may differ and the size of the box and the weight of the package may differ, but let me tell you, it is all the same … death and destruction and misery.

Addictions come in many different packages. … Pornography, alcohol, gambling, fame, fortune, money and drugs. Different packages. Different temptations. Different experiences. The label of promises and ingredients may be different to tempt your sense … something different to taste, to feel, to see, to smell and the hear. Yet the content is the still the stuff of nightmares! Proverbially hell in a box!

The devil has for example packaged and repackaged the occult in many different wrappings since the days of Adam and Eve. For this reason you get so many different occult movements (Satanism, witchcraft, Wicca, white magic, black magic) along with esoteric teachings, New Age teachings, worldly philosophies … yet the contents remain the same. Death and destruction. Lies and more lies. All for one purpose – to open the door for the devil, to invite him in, to welcome him and so open yourself to his demonic and demented plans and schemes.

Yes, for thousands of years, throughout the ages of Egypt and Babylon to Rome and beyond, the devil continues to present so many different packages of the demonic. And so many continue to fall for his tricks because of the wrapping and the presentation of the package. Take for example Eastern mysticism (yoga, Reiki, acupuncture) which we call alternative methods of healing, yet the contents and purpose and nature remain the same … demonic in nature. We divide packages of white and black magic, yet the contents remain the same … demonic.

And so the world talks to the dead, we perform magic which we call entertainment, and the psychics come out to play in daylight. Different packages to lure and to tempt, yet they all contain the devil’s work of misery and destruction.

For a long time they world knew of Pokémon which is the devilish game of collecting pocket monsters (cards). Each monster has certain occult powers that you use to defeat your enemies. Now Pokémon has been repackaged in Pokémon Go and is bigger than ever … for it is now on the smartphone. Different wrapping of the package, different entertainment value yet the same old trick … death and destruction.

And this is what the devil does … he continually tries to rewrap and reinvent and present his same old devilish lies, tricks, and deceptions so that the package may always seem new, different, bigger, better and more tantalising.

How about the music industry? The genres of music have drastically changed over the years, yet secular music more than ever remains the mouthpiece of hell. From the rock days of the 1960, to the pop era of the 1990s to the age of rap, the package is different, the music is different, yet is the same old story - the exaltation of the celebrity, the glorifying of the Self, the worship of man, the approval of hell’s pleasure dome and the lust after sin. Welcome to the games of the devil.

The 1960s ushered in the great sexual revolution which is now in full flow … today immorality, debauchery and unnatural relations are repackaged and the word “LOVE” sprawled all over the wrapping. Yet the package remains the same – demonic in nature and in purpose and intent. Homosexuality is no longer a sin, but repackaged to be a true example of love. What nonsense! Yes, the devil has repackaged his immoral and unnatural onslaught and all things sexually unnatural and immoral is now justified by the twisting and distorting of the concept of love. Welcome indeed to the games of the devil.

Right throughout history, Postman Lucifer or whatever you wish to call him, has come knocking on the door, and the world has greedily and willingly accepted his packages. History attests to all the carnality, immorality, depravity, evilness, wickedness and destruction. The devil has indeed tricked the world because he is a master at this game … he knows what package to present to whom, and how the wrapping must fool and how to sell it. The essence and nature, however, always remain the same … it is dark, sinister and unholy and ungodly.

I just love the ending of that song which goes:

And I know my Father loves me and has only good in store

So you just take that jive and get away from my front door

You can write my name on packages until I'm ninety two

But every single one I'm sending back to Hell with you"

Go on get out of here

Praise the Lord! Let us sent the devil packing …

And then answer the door to the Lord who offers life, love, hope and joy!

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