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SPIRITUAL WARFARE: If you give a spiritual right, then deal with it

I recently took notice when the heavy metal band Iron Maiden came to South Africa. At the time, while they were here and when they left, the social media messages were flying as “Christians” (I use this term very liberally) condemned the band’s presence in the country.

I noticed how believers were binding every demonic force left behind, how the power of the Lord was loosened and how every evil intention was cast down.

And now of course, there are apparently other heavy metal bands coming to South Africa, with a clear intent of sowing greater confusion and spiritual darkness.

I received numerous messages of believers rebuking the evil work, and then I have to wonder and contemplate how deep our lack of knowledge and understanding of the spiritual realm is.

Before I get into it, I remember years ago as a baby Christian I would many times “war” in the spiritual realm, rebuking every demon in the city, rebuking every demon in the province and rebuking every demon in the country. Boy, I threw holy fire as if I was the Lord Himself! This is of course until the Lord began to teach me that all I’m doing is completely in vain and that I’m only causing more trouble for myself!

And I do blame the lack of spiritual warfare knowledge on the pastors or the spiritual leaders who are supposed to be teaching on this matter. But then again, in all honesty, there is very little true understanding of the spiritual war, even less it seems on true deliverance that needs to take place in spirit, soul and body.

But I do not wish to talk about deliverance, at least not for now, but this craze these days among believers to wage “war” in the heavenlies as they rebuke and cast down is quite perplexing and of a concern. Really, it is an absolutely futile attempt at warfare! It is like shooting missiles randomly into a country hoping to find your target.

And this rather unknowledgeable way of waging warfare is of great concern, and it simply remains amazing how we ‘bombard’ the spiritual realm without much of a clue.

What am I getting it? It is simple. It is called spiritual legal doorways. We see such a example of a legal doorway and giving the devil a foothold in Ephesians 4:26-28: Amplified Bible (AMP): 26 When angry, do not sin; do not ever let your wrath (your exasperation, your fury or indignation) last until the sun goes down. 27 Leave no [such] room or foothold for the devil [give no opportunity to him].

Satan wants to enter a person’s life so that he can sow destruction and spiritual death. If he gets a foothold, his purpose is to establish rebellion [pride], idolatry, unforgiveness and deception in our soul in the hope that like cancer it will corrupt our spirit as well.

Is legal doorways/gateways preached in churches? Do we understand this? Of course not. We are too busy creating social clubs, preaching prosperity and feeling happy about life, instead of equipping ourselves for the spiritual war.

You know what gets me hot under the collar? Romans 8:1. This is of course a cornerstone Scripture for hyper grace doctrine. You know how it goes – “there is no condemnation …”. Problem is, read further, for it says for those who are IN Jesus. This therefore means there is con condemnation if you allow your accuser – the devil – no right to accuse you. It means remaining under the Blood of the Lord through obedience, holiness, purity and sacrifice. There is indeed no condemnation if you remain a worshipper in Spirit and Truth. Just it is true the devil has been defeated on the cross, but then you have to position yourself in a position within Christ in who lies the victory. Yet because of giving the devil a right we allow him to accuse and to lead us astray.

So what is a legal doorway? It is that doorway or legal ground which allows Satan to enter into a domain o influence, to oppress and even possess. Here is a quick teaching (very quick). The spiritual war is about dominion, therefore territory. And yes, we as a human being, is also a dominion, and in order for Satan to control us he wants to take dominion over all three the dominions of spirit, soul and body. He wants to “use” us as human beings to then control geographical dominions, such as countries, towns and homes.

Ok, that was teaching in a nutshell. In essence, if you give the devil a RIGHT to invade or come into a territory – be it us as humans or be a land or a home – then you can shout at him until your blue in the face because he will not leave. He has after all been invited! Only when you uninvited him can He leave …

Now, here is the tricky part. On an individual level, through repentance, you can uninvite the devil for being in your life. Again, you as a person who gave him a right need to take back that right which comes from admitting your wrong and confessing your guilt. Repentance is vital to shut the door again. If that door is not shut quickly, the devil will worm himself into your life until oppression turns into full blown manipulation, control and even possession.

But here is the problem when it comes with larger geographical areas: There is more than ONE person residing on such a territory. Sure, for a smaller area like a home it is not so difficult to close the legal doorway, IF the legal party (ies) on that land repent and rebuke the devil collectively. But this is not the same with towns, cities, nations, or continents. Here is the tricky part: MANY PEOPLE HAVE GIVEN THE DEVIL A RIGHT TO BE ON THAT GROUND. And the only way the devil will leave is if ALL the people who gave him a right collectively repent and TURN from their evil ways and wickedness, thus turning away from iniquity and sin.

So Iron Maiden comes to town. They were INVITED (given a right). They were invited into the country (dominion number one), into a province (deminion two), into a town (dominion three), into an arena (dominion number four) and then into many lives (dominion five) who are now carrying the devil with them to their homes (dominion six) and their loved ones (dominion seven).

There were thousands of people at that concert, with many of them intentionally or unintentionally paying homage to the lord of darkness (keeping in mind many who live for the world do not even believe the devil exists, including Satanists who only live for the self). So jump up and down and scream at the devil in South Africa, he will not leave. He has been given a right to be here. And the other bands will come, because they have been invited.

Why do you think the Lord told Joshua to wipe out all traces of the seven pagan tribes when entering the Promised Land? Was God being spiteful, vindictive or vengeful? Of course not! The collectiveness of the seven tribes had given collective right to the devil to be on that land. So by destroying all traces, even the animals (in which demons can dwell), God was showing Joshua how to make sure that not one person on that land remained alive to give the devil a right to be on that territory.

There were millions of Israelites, who were commanded to follow the strict Laws of Moses? Why such strict observance (with severe punishment for disobedience)? It was so that ALL of them would collectively be walking in holiness and NOT ONE of will be giving the devil a foothold on the land. After all, if one trespasses and allows the devil to come it on the land, then that contagious infection of immorality spreads like wildfire amongst the people and into homes. By the way, a number of the Las of Moses dealt with cleansing (ritual, ceremonial), because the Lord was making a point of how quickly a disease can spread, especially a disease like rebellion, idolatry and iniquity. And such a disease needs to be stopped in its track before it catches fire and infects, invades and conquers. This is after all how evil works – it spreads it tendrils into every corner of the heart, the mind, the home and the land IF ALLOWED to do so.

And yes, in the end, Israel fell into apostasy, because SO many people, including the rulers, disobeyed God and thus allowed the devil a legal right to influence, control, oppress and manipulate proceedings. The result? Bloodshed, unrest, war and strife followed. The devil after all has always only sought to kill, destroy and steal.

The only answer back then to get the land restored and out the clutches of the devil, just as it the answer today, is national revival so that ALL occupants of the territory, be it a city, town, province or land or continent, call upon the Lord, collectively repent, collectively close all the spiritual doors and collectively follow the Lord.

Oh yes, but this is called revival … true and real revival! By the way, revival has never implied thousands and millions turning to the Lord. If one person wakes up to the reality of God, then he or she has been revived. Therefore, revival!

Back to legal doorways and collective repentance … this is what happened in 1 King 22 and 23 in the days of King Josiah. Go and read it. National repentance. National action. National unity of turning back to God. And then the devil has no more right.

So yes, it does not help for us to jump up and down and rebuke and bind and loose … what we need to do is to preach the word so that town after town, city after city, and nation after nation is won for the Lord Jesus so that the devil has no more footholds! It is only when we instil holiness and knowledge of right and wrong, of sin and iniquity, of purity and immorality, will the tide turn away from darkness to light.

Oh yes, one more thing … spiritual warfare is not a game. We cannot wage war if we are on the devil’s terrain; neither can we wage war if we ourselves struggle with open doorways for him to enter. How can you rebuke the devil if he a legal right in your life? This is reality. We need to listen to God.

The best means to wage spiritual warfare is by preaching the Truth in the Spirit and in Love, for the Truth (Jesus) sets us free from the spiritual cages of the devil. No shouting, no jumping up and down, no casting down the devil himself, simply preaching and teaching what Jesus taught us. This leads to revival, to holiness, to redemption, to hope and the closing of spiritual doorways.

In a nutshell, the Great Commission is the spiritual warfare mandate and our instruction to victory!

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