Beware the rise of false teachers, false Messiahs
My interest was again roused when I read about the documentary entitled 'Holy Hell': How One Man Documented 22 Years Inside a Sadistic Cult
This is a story of how for 22 years, Will Allen immersed himself 24/7 in Buddhafield, a Los Angeles cult with hundreds of members and a what it seems was led by a sociopathic leader named Michel Rostand. The group would live, work and meditate together, banishing all ties to their family in the hope of finding greater enlightenment. However, the documentary shows how this ‘spiritual guru’ would, in turn, psychologically torture and brainwash his disciples on a daily basis.
According to the Rolling Stone magazine, Allen’s insider document of two decades of life inside the cult, combines home movies and official footage from these years alongside new interviews with former members detailing the sadistic, predatory nature that lay behind their leader's ostensibly gentle, omnipotent façade.
Buddhafield was all about attaining peace and harmony — "It was our little utopia in the middle of this big giant city," says one former member in the film. Yet the documentary reveals its leader's iniquities, ranging from total mind control and forced abortions to alleged widespread sexual abuse and rape. Most disturbing was "The Knowing," a ritual in which Rostand would "transfer his energy" to the participant so they would truly know God. They would of course bow down before him.
Buddhafield made me think of all the numerous other cults and sects that has arisen in the world, including Scientology, the Unification Church, The Movement for the Restoration of the Ten Commandments of God, Aum Shinrikyo, Children of God, Order of the Solar Temple, Branch Davidians, The People’s Temple and Heaven’s Gate.
Of course, Jesus warned about the false Messiahs – all those who have this Messiah complex and who want to be gods.
• "And many false prophets will arise and lead many astray" (Matthew 24:11);
• "For false christs and false prophets will arise and perform great signs and wonders, so as to lead astray, if possible, even the elect." (Matthew 24:14);
• "For many will come in my name, claiming, 'I am the Christ,' and will deceive many." (Matthew 24:5)
Examples of such men who suffered from a Messianic Complex, thus believing they were the true light, include Jim Jones, David Koresh and Inri Cristo to name a few. Chrsito for example is a Brazilian philosopher and educator who claims to be Jesus Christ reincarnated. He is well known for his many appearances in the media of Brazil and other countries as well.
Then you get Sergey Anatolyevitch Torop, known by his followers as Vissarion who is a Russian mystic. He founded and heads a religious movement known as the Church of the Last Testament with its head church in the Siberian Taiga in the Minusinsk Depression east of Abakan, in the southern Siberia Kuraginsk district of Krasnoyarsk territory, in the small settlement of Petropavlovka. Vissarion claims to be a reincarnation of Jesus.
There is also a man in Australia named Alan John Miller, who says he is THE Christ.
All across the world for thousands of years, sects and cults have made their appearance – some have stayed like Freemasonry and many have fallen away at the demise of the “leader”. But all these secret societies and cults with its god-like “Messiahs” have come into existence because of the prompting and the work of the seducing nature of demons that deceive. After all, the purpose of the demons is to lead people away from the truth of God and to lead them to down a path of so-called mystery, power and self-gratification. The purpose of demons is to lead people to a false Messiah – thus, a false light and a false light as what we see with so many cults and sects.
The myriads of cults, sects, secret societies and religious groups {like Mormonism, Church of Scientology} is a testimony of the devil’s work as he deceives and leads people astray to abandon worshiping God to worship demons. People have become ensnared and entrapped in their own reality, forged by demons themselves, and the more people become deceived, the greater their disillusionment, confusion and ultimate defeat.
Jesus said in Matthew 24:23-25: 23 At that time if anyone says to you, ‘Look, here is the Messiah!’ or, ‘There he is!’ do not believe it. 24 For false messiahs and false prophets will appear and perform great signs and wonders to deceive, if possible, even the elect. 25 See, I have told you ahead of time.
We have seen and still see the rise of many such false Messiahs who lead cult groups, sects and secret societies. But the devil only comes to steal, kill and to destroy. It is no wonder the demise or the operation of such a cult or sect speaks of self-destruction, hopelessness and defeat. It is through these secret societies and cults and secret organisation that the devil ultimately works, causing vast corruption of the spirit, extreme bondage to the occult and eventual slavery in spirit and soul.

Jesus is the only and true Messiah and Shepherd as He says in John 10. He knew that for hundreds of years, people are going to come with their Messiah Complex to lead people away and to pretend to be the true Light. Jesus is the only true Light.
Then you also get the The Great White Brotherhood, which is another example of how Satan continually leads people astray is through the New Age movement which holds the belief in a spiritual reawakening through spiritual teachers, called the Ascended Masters.
These “teachers” are seen as coming from every spiritual tradition, involving the mystics, saints, sages and servants of light. And so there is this belief that these masters, forming the Great White Brotherhood comprises of these ascended masters, along with Elohim and Archangels. What is interesting is that the term “white” refers to the brilliant aura of light that surrounds these supposed immortals. They supposedly work with earnest seekers and public servants of every race, religion and walk of life to assist humanity in its evolution.
Another form of delusion as conjured up by Satan was Mithraism, which was popular in the Roman Empire with many Emperors following it, not just the populace. It had seven sacraments, the same as the Catholic Church, and included baptism, and communion with bread and water. The Eucharist hosts were signed with a cross, an ancient phallic symbol which originated in Egypt, and the Egyptian cross (the ankh) still shows the original form which included the female symbol.
Mithras was supposedly the son of Ormuzd, and as a god of light himself, he engaged the powers of darkness, Ahriman and his host, in a bitter struggle. Mithras triumphed and cast his adversaries into the nether world. Mithras, too, raised the dead and will find them at the end of time. He, too, will relegate the wicked to hell and establish the millennial kingdom. Many see Mithra as being the final and great enlightened teacher (false prophet) that will lead people to the new dawn of evolution.
We may wonder how it came to pass that this cult was so similar to the Gospel of Jesus. Simple – 1 Timothy 1:4. Paul warned about demons seducing people with false doctrines, and this false doctrine was being taught to man for some time. Remember, Satan will always try to imitate God’s Truth with his counterfeit truth, so he introduced a false god of light to lead people away from Jesus who is the true Light and the true Morning Star.
In essence, the Church needs to wake up quickly, because there are a myriad of cults and sects in the world, and sadly a lot of churches are even run by spiritual leaders with a Messianic complex, turning ‘their’ congregation into a cult. This is the reality.
The devil comes to steal and to destroy and to kill and he is leading many people down a dangerous path of self-destruction. Every cult leader ultimately does his bidding – emotional impoverishment, abandonment of truth, sacrificing of holiness and the desecration of God’s Kingdom. Cults and sects (and there are many) are but one way to introduce demonic indoctrination, spiritual enslavement and moral corruption.
It is all about mind control and more importantly, presenting a platform for people to open themselves up to demonic oppression and possession. Cults and sects are nothing more than demonic in nature and are designed to flood the world with the occult.
We are at war with the devil and the only way we can set people free from the brainwashing is through the Truth and Love of Jesus. He is the ONLY true Master and Teacher.