Do you maybe think your house is ‘haunted’? Do you sense strange things are happening in your house? Do you hear strange noises? Do you feel a presence that makes you unfamiliar?
Avishua Ministries is here to help. To do so, let us clear up a misconception: there is no such thing as ghosts haunting a house. Ghosts do not exist. The only thing that can ‘haunt’ a house is a demonic entity or an unclean spirit. And yes, they can cause strange noises, they can hurt people and they can become a real nuisance. Also, take note, that a strange presence can also be caused by a human entering the property as a spirit, which is called astral travelling (a form of the occult).
Demonic activity in a house is called infestation. One can hear footsteps, voices, apparitions, furniture or other objects moving without human agency. One can smell odours, normally sulphur, with no discernible source. Infestation’s goal is to lead to demonic oppression of those in the house, and such a presence is a danger to all on the property, even animals.
Oppression is when activity steps up with physical attacks, sleep disturbances including regular nightmares, frequent and severe illnesses, major depression or anxiety, severe financial or employment problems, and relationship troubles. Infestation thus leads to oppression, which can lead to possession.
Again, we are not dealing here with ghosts. Paranormal hunters have become quite popular in our modern times, but they have no idea most of the time what they are truly dealing with! Taking on a demonic identity without walking in true authority (which only comes from Jesus) can become very but very dangerous.
Avishua Ministries is fully aware that there is a lot of misconceptions regarding house/property infestations/hauntings, and the ignorance and strange ideas circulating regarding the subject matter of ghosts. So Avishua Ministries is here to help. We can talk about legal ground and entry, about cursed objects and guarding your property. If you have questions regarding ‘hauntings’, strange things happening or an uncomfortable presence, contact Ps Lynette Engelbrecht on 066 289 2342 (WhatsApp number).
Don’t wait, because infestations do escalate and do become dangerous. We will offer real spiritual advice or solutions, or where possible, actually do the house cleansing (take note, many times all of those on the property will then also need some sort of spiritual support or deliverance). All to the glory of Jesus. Amen.
Remember, God and we love you! Blessings
Contact Ps Lynette on 066 289 2342.