Burning Shofar
Greetings and salutations in the Name of Jesus, our blessed Saviour and Lord of lords. Please join me, Lynette of Avishua Ministries, when I present The Burning Shofar live broadcast on FB.
We see in the Old Testament how the shofar was blown to call people to action, such as in times of war. We are all embroiled in a spiritual battle if we wish to accept or deny it. The supernatural realm is real, more evident and tangible than the natural realm. Oh yes, angels and demons of all kinds do exist. I have walked the dark road, and praise the Lord by His grace, I now follow the path of Jesus. It is time for the Bride to take action because the demonic storms are raging, and where you turn, you will find the world and the devil continues to destroy and plunder.
Join me as I delve and unpack the spiritual realm, and what we need to do as believers to remain standing on the Rock of Jesus. This is a time more than ever to make sure our footing is secure, that we pray, abide in the Word and are led by the Spirit of the Lord. This is a time that we have to pluck the lost from the fire, show mercy to the broken, bring home the forgotten, set the captives free and bind up the brokenhearted.
These will be interactive sessions. Ask your questions, no matter how dark they might seem. It is time to be liberated from the clutches of darkness. It is time to be equipped with the power of a loving God. Yes, it is time to stand up and take back your ground. Join me, so we can pray together because there is still power in prayer and the Blood of Jesus! I will cover a wide range of topics, at times piercing the darkness, and other times shining the brilliant light of a merciful Saviour. Above all, I will only exalt and glorify God, for the devil has been defeated and he holds no sway over the child who stands under the New Covenant.
Join me on my FB page (Lynette Engelbrecht, https://www.facebook.com/lengelbrecht777). Keep an eye on this page where I will share topics I will be discussing. You can contact me on the night of a broadcast or any time when you want me to discuss a certain topic. Sent an email to avishuaministries@gmail.com. It is time to expose the darkness, so be bold and be brave!