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The Dangers and the Lies of the Occult


Let us be honest. This world is fascinated with the supernatural and with all kinds of esoteric teachings. Just look at the number of television programmes and movies on witchcraft and on the occult. While some programmes do paint the darker and true picture of the dangers of the occult, a lot of them present paganism, witchcraft and the occult as something which is thrilling, fun, exhilarating and that offers all kinds of exciting benefits and powers.

Some even believe that such a path leads to a true spiritual awakening and evolvement. This is of course part of the New Age movement, which has gained incredible popularity in a very short time. New Age teachings and methodology is even found in all kinds of Eastern healing and mediation practices that have become popular in the Western world.

What is evident is a lot of people who are engaged in these practices, if it is the occult, or witchcraft or paganism sees no harm in practising it. Some argue that there is white and black magic, and others say it is harmless to have a bit of fun. And so people think it is okay to play around with an Ouija board, or to cast spells or to practice divination or to read Tarot Cards.

A lot of these misplaced perceptions and notions that the occult and esoteric practices are ‘harmless’ is based on misplaced ideas of who the devil and demons are, and the incredible dangers posed by this ancient serpent. The devil is never anyone’s friend. He has never the good intentions of anyone in mind. He has three goals: steal, tod destroy and to kill. And it doesn’t matter if you do practise the occult or paganism, thus supposedly white or black magic, ultimate you serve the devil. There is only one who is faithful, true, kind, loving and who seeks to grant us peace, love and hope: Jesus. And yes, there is the attraction and the allure that the occult or whatever form or witchcraft will offer enlightenment, or awakening or power, but this is merely a very dangerous illusion. True power is found in the love of Christ, for true love produces true forgiveness, healing and peace.

Oh yes, I walked this road. I know this road. I know the tricks and the lies of the devil. I know his intentions are lethal, no matter if you think you are his greatest ally. He will destroy you. He is not your friend. Never. And playing with the occult or engaging in the spiritual realm is not a game – it has some very serious consequences.

Avishua Ministries is here to help. Avishua in Hebrew means God who delivers or the God who saves. Avishua Ministries is dedicated to helping people who or looking for deliverance, for we serve a God who does save and who does rescue. Do you have questions about things you have been doing relating to the occult or witchcraft? Do you have concerns? Are you looking for a way out from the occult? Are you looking for deliverance?

Talk to us. We are here to listen.

Unravellling the Prophetic


Avishua Ministries deals strongly with the Prophetic. Prophet Riaan has been in the prophetic ministry for the last two decades, guiding the Body of Christ as the Spirit leads and serving the Kingdom also a prophetic teacher.

The prophetic, however, is under a huge onslaught. A lot of so-called prophecies are actually divination in action. So many are now calling themselves prophets or have a prophetic gift or mantle, which is often not even true. While the true prophetic is designed to align the Body of Christ with the will, the way, the truth and the mind of the Christ by providing edification, correction and clarification, the counterfeit movement has produced large scale confusion, deception and harm.

For those who are truly in the prophetic shall know that one cannot force God to give a word about any situation, or a person or a country. God speaks as the Lord leads by His Spirit. It is not like a light switch you can turn on for the prophetic word to flow. The danger of the prophetic is when the ‘word’ begins to flow from the flesh or the imagination, which is disastrous. 

You see, God speaks life, and the prophetic is life for it is the Word of God. Yet anything else except the pure and true Word of God spoken as Rhema by the Spirit of the Lord offers not life but death. For such a false word or vision ultimately enslaves, misleads, deceives, beguiles and destroys. After all, at times it is spoken by a seducing or an unclean spirit!

Do you have questions regarding the prophetic, or regarding the prophetic word you have received? Do you want to test a word that has been spoken over your life? Maybe you felt led to be part of the prophetic yet you do not know what the next step is. You can contact Riaan on 084 666 3070 (WhatsApp number). Avishua Ministries is here to help.

We are here to help with deliverance


Avishua in Hebrew means God who delivers or the God who saves. Avishua Ministries is dedicated to helping people who or looking for deliverance, for we serve a God who does save and who does rescue. He does not slumber, for He is mighty and glorious. And deliverance is available now, yet we need to respond. But what kind of deliverance?

The reality is, most of the deliverance that we all require is settled in the soul (the mind, the emotions and the will), for in this life we all suffer trauma, pain, heartache, and go through all kinds of tribulations or fiery trials. Such deliverance requires counselling, or simply good-old-fashioned advice or spiritual support. 

There is also the deliverance in the spirit. This is called demonic oppression or possession. Truth is, demonic possession doesn’t happen overnight. The devil needs legal rights and entry points before he can truly begin to possess someone. Beyond this, the spiritual realm is real, and the devil will seek to oppress, manipulate or attack anyone as his only goal is to destroy, kill and steal (John 10:10). He doesn’t want people to enjoy God’s peace, love, redemption, forgiveness, hope or joy. The reborn Christian will often suffer the greatest attacks, for such a believer is the greatest threat to his temporary kingdom of darkness! Oppression (including physical attacks, sleep disturbances, nightmares, frequent illnesses, depression, anxiety) and infestation are demonic strategies for the end goal of possession. And by the way, the devil is real, so are demons, and so is the spiritual war. Believe that, for this is the first step to victory.

Avishua Ministries is fully aware that there is a lot of misconceptions regarding deliverance, and a lot of ignorance and a lot of strange ideas. Some ministries and churches simply ignore deliverance on a spiritual level!  So Avishua Ministries is here to help. If you have questions regarding deliverance, or you feel you need help or any form of assistance or support be in the realm of the spirit of soul, contact Ps Lynette Engelbrecht on 066 289 2342. We are here to address the misconceptions, the strange ideas and the lies about deliverance and to offer real and truthful solutions as led by the Spirit of the living Lord. All to the glory of Jesus. Amen.

Are there strange things happening in your house?


Do you maybe think your house is ‘haunted’? Do you sense strange things are happening in your house? Do you hear strange noises? Do you feel a presence that makes you unfamiliar?

Avishua Ministries is here to help. And to do so, let us clear up a misconception: there is no such thing as ghosts haunting a house. Ghosts do not exist. The only thing that can ‘haunt’ a house is a demonic entity or an unclean spirit. And yes, they can cause strange noises, they can hurt people and they can become a real nuisance. Also, take note, a strange presence can also be caused by a human entering the property as a spirit, which is called astral travelling (a form of the occult).

Demonic activity in a house is called infestation. One can hear footsteps, voices, apparitions, furniture or other objects moving without human agency. One can smell odours, normally sulphur, with no discernible source. Infestation’s goal is to lead to demonic oppression of those in the house, and such a presence is a danger to all on the property, even animals.

Oppression is when activity steps up with physical attacks, sleep disturbances including regular nightmares, frequent and severe illnesses, major depression or anxiety, severe financial or employment problems, and relationship troubles. Infestation thus leads to oppression, which can lead to possession.

Again, we are not dealing here with ghosts. Paranormal hunters have become quite popular in our modern times, but they have no idea most of the time what they are truly dealing with! Taking on a demonic identity without walking in true authority (which only comes from Jesus) can become very but very dangerous.

Avishua Ministries is fully aware that there is a lot of misconceptions regarding house/property infestations/hauntings, and the ignorance and strange ideas circulating regarding the subject matter of ghosts. So Avishua Ministries is here to help. We can talk about legal ground and entry, about cursed objects and guarding your property. If you have questions regarding ‘hauntings’, strange things happening or an uncomfortable presence, contact Ps Lynette Engelbrecht on 066 289 2342.

 Don’t wait, because infestations do escalate and do become dangerous. We will offer real spiritual advice or solutions, or where possible, actually do the house cleansing (take note, many times all of those on the property will then also need some sort of spiritual support or deliverance). All to the glory of Jesus. Amen.

John 16:13: However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth...

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