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Ps Riaan Engelbrecht's ministry deals primarily with the prophetic, but he also has a passion to teach the Truth of the Lord Jesus and His Kingdom for only the Truth of the Lord sets us free (John 8:32).  Riaan has been writing and teaching since giving his life to the Lord in 2001, and will continue to endeavor to speak the Truth, declare the Truth, defend the Truth and uphold the Truth of the Lord.


The volumes of work on Amazon are available to order as a print version or as an ebook (Kindle format). Visit his profile page on Amazon at or visit




Ordering from author Riaan Engelbrecht’s WhatsApp catalogue

A catalogue of the work of Riaan Engelbrecht (Avishua Ministries) is available on his WhatsApp business profile. Visit

Engelbrecht is the co-founder of Avishua Ministries and also serves on the board of Lighthouse Ministries. He has been teaching the Word of God for the past couple of decades, which includes being involved with online radio stations (Lighthouse Radio, Rainbow Radio) for many years, and Osasogie TV (Nigeria-based). Currently, he contributes to Diakonos (a leadership training platform, which is a branch of Strategic Missions and Revealed Word Bible College) on Rumble and also to the Testify magazine. He writes to uplift, edify, equip, prophetically guide and speak the Lord’s will in the last of days. His heart desires to see believers become true disciples and for the world to be flooded with God’s truth, for only such a truth sets free.

You can buy a product directly from the author by using the Cart facility or clicking on the link for the product page. The product page presents the opportunity to buy directly from the author (at a discounted price) or as an eBook or paperback on numerous international bookstores and literary platforms.

When using the Cart facility on the catalogue, your order will be sent directly to the author. The author will be in communication with the purchaser regarding payment methods and costs. Ordering from the catalogue is only for digital versions of the work, not print (use the link for other options to order from bookstores). Take note, an option exists to receive either an ePub or a PDF and where need be, both formats may be forwarded. 

It should be noted ordering from the catalogue is more affordable than international book stores. The costs are calculated in South African currency (Rand). Those who are ordering from overseas and purchasing from the catalogue will receive their cost in their currency directly from the author (payment methods will also be discussed). 

The author has so far compiled 101 non-fiction works focussing on teaching, equipping and prophetically guiding the Church. 
Series of work available on the catalogue:
Perilous Times 
In Pursuit of God 
The Holy Spirit 
The Disciple of God 
Crossroads to Freedom 
The Kingdom of God 
The Prophetic 
The Vine                 
End-Time Remnant


The eBook version should work on any phone or tablet. This also applies to PDF formats.

For any queries or any work, or on the series, or to find out about upcoming projects, or if you have any questions relating to your spiritual walk, you may email prophetriaan@gmail.comor

John 16:13: However, when He, the Spirit of truth, has come, He will guide you into all truth...

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